19:00 on May 31st,The Group’s unified procurement department launched its first independent seabet betting platform of imported goods on a multi-point online platform,For Zhongbai direct sales member store“Across the Ocean”’s big-name seabet betting platform gave a good answer。Full seabet betting platform sales 3.30,000,Viewed 1.50,000 times,Interaction popularity 1.50,000 people,Like 11.60,000 people。
This seabet betting platform room is specially located in Evergreen Direct Sales Member Store。In order to do this seabet betting platform,The unified procurement department starts planning and organizing one month in advance,Enable operation supervision、The member store manager and two buyers serve as anchors and product recommendation officers,Enter seabet betting platform products two weeks in advance“Personally tested and praised”Link,Confirm 20 seabet betting platform items,And launch a step-by-step publicity campaign one week before the broadcast,Established more than 20 fan welfare groups in a short period of time,Accumulated more than 1,000 potential customers。
On the day of the seabet betting platform,The imported trendy brands featured include the lowest-priced Italian rooster head stain remover on the Internet、Korean Samyang Turkey Noodles、Australian Anchor Skimmed Milk Powder、Korean Spring Rain Mask、Honglu Washing Sheath Box、Penfolds Bin2 red wine,1664 beer、Little Boss Seaweed、Classic internet celebrity items such as Hada Bozi soda and Li cheese。Two hours of seabet betting platform,Joyful atmosphere、Continuous interaction,The anchor and the recommendation officer cooperate well,Professional and down-to-earth recommendations made fans onlookers like them,12 seamless lucky draws frequently push the atmosphere to a climax,A total of 48 lucky winners were produced during the entire seabet betting platform,Pack up exquisite gifts such as food, drink, toiletries, etc.。
This seabet betting platform uses multi-point next-day delivery。Early the next morning,The headquarters operation supervisor and Jiangxia member store manager rushed to Jiangxia Logistics Park in person,Sort and package the products and gifts on the night of the seabet betting platform,Through a long day of hard work,Complete all order preparations,Ensure that products are delivered to customers accurately。
Today,Consumer consumption habits have changed,Direct sales member stores closely follow consumer needs,Adjust and try new marketing models,Expand sales channels,Accumulate more power for the live streaming economy。This seabet betting platform uses store scene shooting,Make fans experience more enjoyable;Arrange internal anchors and product recommendation officers to match,Strengthen fan interaction,Enhance the sense of immersion in the product,seabet betting platform product selection focusing on brand,Improved product cost performance。The Group’s unified procurement department will take this seabet betting platform as an opportunity,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of all employees at the headquarters and member stores,Play the trump card of independent seabet betting platform,Making the live streaming of imported goods smoother。
(Contributed by: seabet betting platform Procurement Division)