In order to further enhance brand influence,Convenience store companies actively explore new ideas for cross-border marketing,July,The company is eyeing China’s first “Virtual Diva”Luo Tianyi’s 11th birthday node,ProductExtreme linkage Luo Tianyiseabet sports betting carries out theme store marketing、Consumption lottery、Photo and check-in and other activities,With young users“play”Together。
Luo Tianyi is based on speech synthesis softwareVirtual idol produced by VOCALOID,Debuted as a 15-year-old girl,Has high popularity in the two-dimensional circle。Her fans are mainly those born in 1995、After 00 and after 05,That is, the young user seabet sports betting under the age of 28,Among them, the post-00s generation accounts for the highest proportion,Highly overlaps with the customer base of Zhongbai Lawson。
This time we won 100 Lawson and Luo TianyiA series of activities jointly planned and carried out by seabet sports betting, includingincludes gifts with purchase、Lottery for full consumption、Tianyi birthday wall graffiti、Take a photo and punch in to win peripherals, etc.。July 14,The soft decoration theme store created by Zhongbai Lawson and Luo Tianyi——Changsha Huachuang International Store officially opens to the public,There is a huge birthday graffiti wall in the theme store,Customers painted Luo Tianyi's colors on the background wall and wrote their favorite "";Luo Tianyi”Song,You will get a beautiful gift。
During the event,Luo Tianyi’s fans went to the store to check in,The atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot,There is an endless stream of young customers。All Luo Tianyi peripheral products in the theme store are sold out,At the same time, it also led to an increase in the sales of other products in the store,Further demonstratedThe promotion effect of seabet sports betting linkage on sales.
Future,Convenience store companies will continue to focus on target customer groups,Focus on brand rejuvenation marketing strategy,Continuously explore the links that young people likeseabet sports betting,Create“Breaking the circle”New way,Let customers gain more when entering the store“Surprise”,Thus deeply sticking to more target users,Working tirelessly to promote the company’s high-quality development。