To further improve the seabet live casino echelon construction of logistics companies,Give full play to the backbone of core talents,Continue to help the company develop sustainably and with quality,June 12,The logistics company started“Use wisdom to improve quality and gather wisdom to move forward”Reserve seabet live casino class,This training is for management types、Professional、Mainly business-type reserve talents,A total of 42 people participated in the training。
At the opening ceremony,Secretary of the company’s general party branch、Deputy General Manager Yu Na interpreted the three-year plan for cultivating reserve talents,Emphasis on talent categories、seabet live casino goals、Talent selection、Cultivation methods and other related content,And put forward requirements for later training work,I hope the students will fully understand the importance of reserve seabet live casino,Clear learning goals、Correct learning attitude、Cherish learning opportunities,Strive to improve comprehensive capabilities in all aspects,Support the company’s development。
seabet live casino site, the instructor uses“Action seabet live casino Workshop”Form teaching,Lead students to use mind maps、Structured discussion、Brainstorming、SWOT analysis and other seabet live casino tools analyze the problems existing in everyone’s work。Students divided into groups to conduct multi-angle discussions、Leveled exchanges and discussions,Enjoying common thoughts together、The happiness brought by the exchange of ideas。Post-its filled with handwriting、Brightly colored patterns、Fragments of research results,Constitutes students’ innovative thinking、Harmonious picture of youthful vitality and unity and struggle。
The students formed a consensus on the seabet live casino results after in-depth exchanges,And share learning experiences with each other,The wonderful speech won warm applause from the audience。This training brought a different learning experience to the students,Everyone expressed that they have gained a lot,Will strive to transform learning results into effective working methods,In actual workUse practice。
Next step,Logistics companies will continue to strengthen the systematic management of reserve seabet live casino classes,Continuously improve the comprehensive quality and professional skills of students,For company management type、Professional、Technical talent echelon provides strong support。