Recently, logistics companies according to the seabet betting platform2023“seabet betting platform”Overall deployment of activity plan,With“Ensure production safety,Be the first responsible person”Carried out&ldquo for the theme;seabet betting platform”And the special meeting to launch the Ankang Cup event。Members of the leadership team of the logistics company、Business Department Director、A total of 46 middle-level managers and safety committee representatives attended the meeting。
Attendees watched the warning educational film,Learned about the special investigation and rectification of major accident hazards in seabet betting platform companies2023 Action Plan,And conducted a detailed analysis of the common and individual problems of dangerous sources discovered during the early daily seabet betting platform inspections,Comprehensive review of risk source identification, evaluation and control measures,Form a closed-loop management mechanism for immediate change,Guard safe and healthy development。
The person in charge of the company’s logistics and security department announcedLogistics Company of the Year 2023“seabet betting platform”and“Ankang Cup”Activity Plan。Zhang Junyi, the leader in charge of the company’s safety work,“Strengthen the implementation of safety management and deepen the investigation of safety hazards”Preparing a safety work report for the first half of 2023,Emphasis on the need to adhere to multiple measures in production safety,Strengthen organizational leadership,Strengthen the responsibilities of safety inspectors,Highlight work priorities,Consolidate the grassroots foundation,Enhance prevention and control of risks and investigation of hidden dangers,Maximizing safety benefits,is“Ankang Cup”Provide strong guarantee for the development of competition activities。
Li Yong, deputy general manager of the company, said in his speech,seabet betting platform responsibility is more important than Mount Tai,We should take the seabet betting platform month activities as an opportunity,Implement job responsibilities,Intensify efforts to investigate hidden dangers。First, focus on key tasks,Overall planning,Effectively perform the duties of the first person responsible for production seabet betting platform;The second is to solidly promote the work of seabet betting platform inspectors,Make full use of frontline work“The role of position”;The third is to build a strong defense line for safe operations,Create“Ping An Logistics”,Promote“seabet betting platform”and“Ankang Cup”Competition activities continue to be in-depth and solid。
Participants are in order“seabet betting platform”Signature on promotional banner,Together we set off a boom in production safety month activities。
Next step,Logistics companies will adopt various forms、Informative seabet betting platform campaign,Create universal access to all employees、Governance by all members、All members participate、Good atmosphere of joint supervision,Ensuring that the safe production situation of logistics companies continues to be stable and improving。