Editor’s note: Since March 19, the warehousing company has;First quarter work review meeting and second quarter work arrangement meeting&seabet live casino games;上,Initiated“Deeply cultivated stores,Be an activist&seabet live casino games;Since the call,Regions、All stores responded positively、Act quickly,Actively based on the frontier、Join the front line,Started“Deeply cultivate stores&seabet live casino games;'s action war,In the process,Many good experiences and practices have emerged,Learning from each other、Learn from,Continuously promote key tasks and implement them、Pay close attention、Remarkable results。
“Unity is strength!This power is iron、This power is steel,Harder than iron and stronger than steel……”This is the opening song for every monthly management meeting in Jingyi Region,All members in Jingyi area integrated the essence of this song into the work of improving seabet live casino games performance,Using his own actions and sweat, he perfectly interpreted the true meaning of this song。They operate around five stars,Jingyi area has carried out a series of refinements、Quantification、Standardization implementation work。
“Liang&seabet live casino games;Huamian
Enhance seabet live casino games shopping experience
First of all, they use the region as the benchmark,Create a clean and tidy office environment,Then go deep into the front line,Support stores from the sky、Ground、Display surface,Clean up dead spots,In line with the&ldquo advocated by the regional manager;Can be old but not dirty、Can be old but not chaotic、It can be old but not bad&seabet live casino games;Principle,全方位“Liang&seabet live casino games;Huamian,Improve the shopping environment in stores,Improve customer satisfaction。
“Beautiful&seabet live casino games;Huashenmen
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The regional team has successively visited Shishou seabet live casino games、Yidu seabet live casino games、Green Garden seabet live casino games、Jianli seabet live casino games and Huatai seabet live casino games have carried out dynamic layout、Seasonal wall creation、Collection of Beautiful Chens in Duomao Duitou、Point light source installation and other comprehensive upgrades。Adjusted,All stores have achieved good sales results。
"Quantify" seabet live casino games
Improve seabet live casino games
The region promotes fresh food business concepts in each seabet live casino games,The manager in charge of fresh food will announce and implement the fresh food business philosophy and the five basic principles of fresh food to all employees in the fresh food area at the daily handover meeting,Cultivate every employee into a businessman,Let them understand management、Knowing business。In order to implement all work、produce effective results,The regional team follows the five-star management standards,The first in Shishou seabet live casino games to press the pre-opening button for each class group、Open、After-business projects,Implement the standards item by item;Move all shelves、Divide the responsibilities of the stacking terminal and cleaning area into different persons,Form independent normal management,Standardize the site、Job standardization、System standardization、Service standardization,Then add points to areas within the area,Copy Promotion。
In order to further solidify seabet live casino games,The region is constantly being summarized and explored,Introduced“Display Four-Character Song” “Fresh five-character song”And simplified version of operating standards PPT,To help stores solidify standards、Quantitative work,Improving operational standards。
Operation is business,Jingyi Area“bright”Environment、“Beautiful”chemical standard、"Quantify" work,Proactively “Standard、Quantification、Execute”’s six-character policy has been implemented into the operation at all levels,seabet live casino games have been effectively improved,Also brought about growth in performance!
(Warehouse company Jingyi District seabet live casino games)