“Test bag 20000 pieces、50,000 large roll bags,Aste large roll bag 5000 pieces……”,With the arrival of peak season,Order within Yangluo Industrial Park、The number of orders from external orders and social seabet live casino games buying customers continues to increase,The leadership team of Yangluo Industrial Park strives to innovate technology to improve efficiency,Purchased a new film blowing machine in January 2018、Bag making machine and crusher,Intensive installation and commissioning of new equipment after entering the site,Through the efforts of all parties to solve outstanding problems and difficulties in previous production,Guaranteed the completion of customer orders,On the occasion of the Spring Festival, production volume and sales have reached new breakthroughs。
Increase speed
After the new film blowing machine in the blow molding workshop is put into seabet live casino games,seabet live casino games capacity of a single film blowing machine increased by 2.5 times。The film material produced by the new film blowing machine is flat,No matter the appearance of the membrane material、The feel and quality have been greatly improved,Effectively alleviates the pressure of insufficient supply of blown film materials。
Increase efficiency
The seabet live casino games efficiency of the newly purchased fully automatic double-lane core-rolled bag making and vest bag making machine has increased by 5 times per minute than before,Automatic roll change、Automatic loading、Automatic labeling completed in one step,And the finished product size is standard、Secure seal、Even cuts。After the new bag making machine is put into seabet live casino games,Not only is the output guaranteed,Able to meet orders from years ago and deliver them as scheduled,At the same time, it provides a strong guarantee for the increase in order volume in the future。
The newly purchased crusher’s crushing capacity per hour is 5 times that of the old crusher,Guaranteed that all waste materials can be crushed on the same day,And feed、Discharging materials in one step,Greatly shortened the work cycle。
Control costs
The newly purchased equipment not only has a high degree of automation、High efficiency,More importantly, labor costs are also effectively controlled,The new equipment completely makes“Punch press position”Laid off。After 2 bag making machines are put into seabet live casino games,Can save 7 people,There are 2 people in bag making positions,Punch press position 5 people,The crusher can save 1 person on the night shift,The reduction in personnel directly reduces wages、Reduced labor costs such as overtime pay,Simultaneous electricity bill、Maintenance fee、The cost of excipients and other related expenses have also been significantly reduced。
The first batch of new equipment is put into seabet live casino games,Opened the industrial park to improve quality and efficiency、A new era of change and adjustment,Modernization、Intelligent seabet live casino games has become an industry development trend,2018 will be the year when the industrial park will be fully systemized、Standardization、A critical year for automation,We must seize development opportunities,Overtaking on a curve,Provide solid guarantee for achieving the goals and tasks in 2018。
(Yangluo Company)