To meet the needs of Wuhan Public Transport seabet betting,Solving the difficulty of having breakfast for front-line workers at remote bus stations of public transportation groups,After nearly two months of repeated docking and careful preparation and planning,December 14, 2017 05:30,In the dining room at Jianshe Shilu Intersection,With“toot”a sound,The first breakfast provided by Zhongbai Fresh Food Company to front-line employees of the Public Transport seabet betting,Official code scan successful!This indicates that Zhongbai seabet betting and Wuhan Public Transport seabet betting have achieved another new breakthrough in employee meal services。
This breakfast supply pilot,Mainly covers the construction ten intersections of the Sixth Operation Company of Wuhan Public Transport seabet betting、5 meal sites including Endeavor Village and Happy Valley,Benefits more than 500 bus employees at the site。The breakfast products provided are in accordance with the needs of the bus seabet betting,Carefully developed meals with Wuhan flavor。Meals since launch,The taste and service are highly praised by bus drivers,The number of food orders is gradually increasing。Later stage,Zhongbai Fresh Food R&D team will continue to optimize and enrich the breakfast structure and varieties,Carry out one-to-one coaching and training on breakfast ordering more closely,Every effort will be made to promote breakfast ordering to other stations of Wuhan Public Transport seabet betting。
New mode、New requirements mark a new beginning,Combined with Zhongbai Fresh Food Company and Zhongbai Logistics Company、Zhongbai E-commerce Company、Zhongbaigu Tang Meishan Company、The bus catering service team formed by Zhongbai Payment Company will continue to ";Service Bus,Employee satisfaction”as a principle,Actively meet the needs of the bus seabet betting and its employees,Do a solid job in bus catering services。
(Fresh Food Company)