Time flies,There are less than 60 days left in 2017,The sound seabet betting sprint horn is encouraging,Everyone’s sales enthusiasm bursts out,Revolving around various goals and tasks,We will fight with all our strength,Glorious results。
In order to improve seabet betting operating performance,New styles at Dongxihu Center seabet betting’s Parkview Bay seabet betting,To smash Easter eggs,Build popularity by winning big prizes。The seabet betting manager actively contacts suppliers to provide promotional gifts,The seabet betting organized a two-day weekend off-site promotion。
Out-of-seabet betting promotion for two consecutive days,The employee’s voice became hoarse,My legs are swollen,But we are not afraid of hardship、Not afraid of being tired,Also uses off-duty time to promote in nearby communities。The event was crowded,Lively atmosphere。Customers are overjoyed to get affordable prices,seabet betting sales increased by 90% year-on-year。
Baiyushan Center seabet betting strongly encourages stores to carry out group purchases,One of the petrochemical stores participated in the material procurement bidding of Ethylene Engineering Company,18.The purchase target of RMB 80,000 makes the central seabet betting and stores full of energy。They repeatedly communicated and coordinated with the purchasing department、Contact source,Finally, high quality and low price、Rich and affordable advantages lead the bidding,Reached a group purchase agreement with Ethylene Engineering Company。The seabet betting will not slack off after signing the agreement,A group of women’s soldiers immediately delivered the goods to the employees of the Ethylene Engineering Company,Received unanimous praise from the other party。
Shouyi Center seabet betting welcomed its first green label seabet betting on October 25th——China Resources Ziyunfu seabet betting opened successfully,160㎡ seabet betting sales exceeded 50,000 that day,Complete the target tasks for the central seabet betting,Fight the tough battle,Laid a solid foundation。
Preparatory period for opening,The center seabet betting attaches great importance to it,A working group led by the central seabet betting manager was established,Everyone performs their duties、Work together,Consider it the common goal to open the first green label seabet betting in the central seabet betting。
Everyone acts quickly,Manager Li Yong actively communicates with relevant departments of the company、Make good connections;The deputy manager is paying close attention to the seabet betting scene,Guide the implementation and compliance of SOP;HR managers shuttle between various university campuses,Participate in job fair,Reserve talents for China Resources Ziyunfu seabet betting and Central seabet betting;The business manager repeatedly conducts data analysis,Ensure the scientific and reasonable allocation of goods in stores;The seabet betting managers of each seabet betting will immediately refine the indicators to employees at all levels,Assist in opening China Resources Ziyunfu seabet betting。
Caidian Center seabet betting Green Label seabet betting——Evergrande Oasis seabet betting,Actively participate in the labor competition in the fourth quarter of the war,Many outstanding business experts have emerged。They lead the exploration of everyone’s greatest potential,Let the seabet betting be determined、Confidence in completing the full-year sales plan。
Split hands Yu Xiaolan,Go to the seabet betting every day before dawn,Carefully prepare a variety of meat products for customers to choose from,Shredded pork、Meat slices、Meat stuffing、Chopped ribs、Mixed Steak、Cut pork liver、Cut the waist……She tries her best to meet every customer’s needs。Since she took office,There is a long queue in front of the meat display case in the seabet betting every morning,Customers trust her very much,She said you can eat the meat purchased from her with confidence!The fresh meat products in the seabet betting have changed from negative gross profit before to current monthly profit of more than 10,000 yuan!
Fresh food operator Xia Hongfang,seabet betting infects every customer with her smile,Everyone likes her,seabet betting treats her customers as relatives,Treat the fruits and vegetables in your hands like children,seabet betting often said that seabet betting should hand these children into the hands of relatives when they are freshest and take them home!
Withstand the pressure、Boost confidence,Our goal is in front of us,Victory is at hand,War seabet betting fourth quarter,We will triumph and triumph!
(Supermarket seabet betting)