Changjiang Daily-Changjiang Net January 28 (Reporter Zhang Weiner)&seabet online casino games;Wait for me a moment,Buying masks at the pharmacy”,January 27,When a reporter from Changjiang Daily-Changjiang Net contacted Zhang Yuquan on the phone,She is using her break to go to a nearby pharmacy to help her colleagues purchase protective equipment。&seabet online casino games;This period,Everyone is working hard”,However,She said optimistically,&seabet online casino games;It will get better,Overcoming difficulties together”。
Zhang Yuquan is the administrative section chief of Zhongbai Warehouse Beihu Store,In her own words,&seabet online casino games;I’m here to provide logistic support for everyone”。She is responsible for the daily assessment of store employees、Salary payment and other work,But in this special Spring Festival,She worked as a cashier、Consulted at the service desk、Weighed at the snack stall……&seabet online casino games;The cashier does the most work”。Zhang Yuquan explains,Coincides with the Spring Festival,The store has too few staff,Everyone has become&seabet online casino games;All-rounder”。&seabet online casino games;Recent days,High customer demand,Purchased a lot of goods,There is always a long queue at checkout”,She said she often didn’t dare to drink water all morning,&seabet online casino games;Worried about going to the toilet and affecting customer checkout”。
January 23,After the suspension of public transportation operations in the city,Zhang Yuquan walks to and from get off work,But told reporters excitedly,&seabet online casino games;Fortunately, there is a shuttle bus available tomorrow,The government helped us solve it”。
January 18,Company notice to start suspension,After that, Zhang Yuquan and his colleagues started a continuous cycle,&seabet online casino games;I am not the hardest worker,Many colleagues work harder than me”。&seabet online casino games;Although it is hard, you must persevere,Critical period,It is to reflect the style of party members”。Zhang Yuquan said,So many people are cheering together,Wuhan will definitely get better。
Photo provided by Zhang Yuquan
[Editor: Yu Huai]
(Author: Zhang Weiner)
(Source: Changjiang Daily-Changjiang Net)