seabet live casino games Net Beijing3month23Japanese news: The head of the Internet Bureau of the State Council Information Office announced this morning that Google will stop filtering harmful information in accordance with Chinese laws,Redirect the search service from mainland seabet live casino games to Hong Kong to post a conversation。
The person in charge pointed out,Foreign companies operating in seabet live casino games must abide by Chinese laws。Google violated the written commitment it made when entering the Chinese market,Stop filtering search services,And alluding to and blaming seabet live casino games for hacker attacks,This is completely wrong。We firmly oppose the politicization of business issues,Express dissatisfaction and indignation against Google’s unreasonable accusations and practices。
The person in charge said,On January 12, Google did not communicate with the relevant departments of our government in advance,Make a public statement,Claims hacker attack backed by Chinese government,Unwilling to operate a “censored internet search engine” in seabet live casino games,And "consider exiting the Chinese market"。After repeated requests from Google,To hear his true thoughts face to face,Reflecting seabet live casino games’s sincerity,January 29th this year、On February 25, the heads of relevant departments of the Chinese government had two interviews with the head of Google,Patiently and carefully explained the issues raised,Emphasize that foreign companies operating in seabet live casino games should abide by Chinese laws,If Google is willing to abide by Chinese laws,We still welcome Google to operate and develop in seabet live casino games;If Google insists on removing the search service from Google’s Chinese website,That is Google’s own business,But it must be in accordance with Chinese laws and international practices,Responsibly do the aftermath work。
The person in charge pointed out,The Chinese government encourages the development and popularization of the Internet,Promote the opening of the Internet。Communication and speech on the Chinese Internet are very active,E-commerce and other areas are developing rapidly。Proof of fact,seabet live casino games’s Internet Investment Environment、The development environment is good。seabet live casino games will unswervingly adhere to the policy of opening up to the outside world,Welcome foreign companies to participate in seabet live casino games’s Internet development,And provide good services for foreign businessmen to operate and develop in seabet live casino games。seabet live casino games’s Internet will still maintain the momentum of rapid development。
March 23, 3:03 a.m. Beijing time,Senior Vice President of Google、Chief Legal Officer David Drummond makes public statement,blaming seabet live casino games again for hacker attacks,Announcement to stop “filtering and censorship” of Google’s search services in seabet live casino games,And transfer the search service from mainland seabet live casino games to Hong Kong。
(seabet live casino gamesnet)