After seabet betting platform withdrew from the Japanese market,There are rumors that it will withdraw from the Chinese market。Recently according to seabet betting platform information,seabet betting platform’s performance in China ranks second in the world,seabet betting platform denies that it will withdraw from the Chinese market。Opposite,seabet betting platform will also accelerate the localization process in China this year。
denies withdrawing from the Chinese seabet betting platform
3month10Japan, seabet betting platform in Japan6All branches have been renamed“AEON”, entering the Japanese seabet betting platform10The French seabet betting platform completely disappeared from the Japanese market。Subsequently,There are rumors that seabet betting platform will withdraw from the Chinese market。
Days ago,Introduced by Pu Aiqing, Brand Director of seabet betting platform Central and Western Region,seabet betting platform withdraws from Japanese market,It will not affect seabet betting platform’s development in China,Currently seabet betting platform’s performance in South America ranks seabet betting platform first in the world,China’s performance ranks second。Last year,seabet betting platform China market sales increased year-on-year16%。
End of last year,Luo Guowei, Vice President of seabet betting platform Group and President of China, said in Wuhan,China has always been an important strategic pivot for seabet betting platform。open in one year22store,Any country where seabet betting platform is expanding,There is no such speed。
Pu Aiqing said that this year seabet betting platform launched a new brand identity“福达家”Idea, replace“Happy Shopping seabet betting platform”,Fully embodies seabet betting platform’s traditional culture。The next step will be through charity activities、Marketing and other communication channels are carried out in different cities“福达家”Series concept promotion, for example“Excellent price”is one of them.
Actively choose second- and third-tier cities
According to relevant sources, seabet betting platform opened its first store in Wuhan this year6Jiadian Erqi store has opened,In addition to the primary market, the expansion strategy in Hubei is,Second- and third-tier cities have always been seabet betting platform’s key targets。seabet betting platform is currently“1+8city circle”Actively select sites and negotiate.
Exit the Japanese market,This is just the tip of the iceberg of seabet betting platform’s withdrawal from overseas markets。2006seabet betting platform withdraws from the Korean market,2009Withdrawal from the Russian seabet betting platform,2010seabet betting platform1Withdrawn from the southern Italian seabet betting platform in months and also closed Belgium21Home store。Last year there were rumors that Walmart would acquire seabet betting platform’s Asian business。
To this,seabet betting platform operation control expert from the Ministry of Commerce、Professor Hong Tao from Beijing Technology and Business University School of Economics and Management said,Before the financial crisis16Year,seabet betting platform is expanding rapidly in China,is the largest foreign-funded enterprise in China,But since last year,Walmart passes merger and reorganization,Catch up with seabet betting platform in quantity。
Hong Tao said that he has not joined in seabet betting platformWTOBefore,Foreign capital enters China in the form of joint ventures,But seabet betting platform obtained controlling stake through related operations,And cut suppliers’ profits to support seabet betting platform’s low-price strategy,Quickly seize the market,This kind“Violation”Operation expansion,It will inevitably bring hidden dangers。But no matter what,In today’s fierce competition,No foreign businessman can give up the Chinese seabet betting platform easily。
(Changjiang seabet betting platform Daily)