Longshang.com seabet best crypto casino:February 20,Ele.me’s in-store seabet best crypto casino under Alibaba’s life services section (formerly ";Word of mouth”) will merge with AutoNavi in the near future,Zhang Liang, the former head of in-store seabet best crypto casino, will report to Yu Yongfu, CEO of Alibaba Local Life Service Company,Changed to report to AutoNavi CEO Liu Zhenfei。According to previous reports,Koubei’s catering seabet best crypto casino has shrunk from the 40 cities it directly operated in the past to less than 10 cities,Other cities have also switched from direct operation to service provider model,In the first half of 2022, Alibaba’s local life seabet best crypto casino has shrunk from nearly 10,000 people to about 3,000 people。An insider revealed at that time,With seabet best crypto casino shrinkage,Does not rule out the possibility of in-store seabet best crypto casino being merged into other seabet best crypto casino lines。With word-of-mouth merged into Amap,According to people familiar with the matter,Alibaba Local Life will conduct a new round of layoffs。The third quarter of last year,Ele.me and Douyin reach cooperation,Started to open POIs for Ele.me mini program in self-operated cities。In the cooperation between Ele.me and Douyin,The GMV in the first month must reach 20 million,To exceed 100 million in the third month,The daily activity of the mini program should exceed 35 million,The current short-term GMV target has been basically achieved。
Editor: hw